What’s the real cost of poor sleep?

Having a child that does not sleep well can take it’s toll on relationships, emotionally, physical and financially depending on the path you choose.

Let’s explore the different options.

1.    Wait for things to get better.

Taking this option is not easy. It can take a huge emotional and physical toll on parents due to sleep deprivation and the strain it can put on a relationship. If a parent needs to stop working due to the lack of sleep, income is lost.

The thing is, the sleep quality isn’t changing in this scenario. It’s just reaching a point where the child can handle the issues on their own and no longer call for help.

Poor sleep quality will remain for the rest of their life impacting their health and wellness, learning, memory and emotional regulation, just to name a few.

This option becomes financially costly down the track when you then need to support these difficulties.


2.    Trying to solve things on your own.

As with option 1, this is not easy emotionally and physically as it may take time to find the answers, so you won’t get the reprieve you are after. Plus constantly hitting dead ends and being dismissed is devastating.

In addition to that, it can be very costly financially. Unless you happen to find the right person who understands the underlying issue that is causing your bub to sleep poorly, (which even you don’t know so how do you find the right person), you can waste a lot of time and money on people who cannot help.

In addition to this, you can create more problems by trying to go at it alone. Specialists are specialists for a reason.


3.    Sleep training

This option has a similar impact to option 1. Sleep training can be very hard emotionally and the sleep quality hasn’t changed. You may then have a financial impact to correct health, learning and wellness issue further down the track. Not to mention the psychological impact it can have on the child.


4.    Starting with me

This option presents with the largest financial cost upfront. Paying for my services may not be the only specialist you need to see.

But, this is the quickest option to a solution. I can pin point where the issues are coming from and send you directly to the people I know can help. Saving you time and money than if you were to go at it on your own.

This option also gives you pretty quick physical relief and emotional support. Not necessarily as quick as sleep training but certainly faster than waiting it out or going at it alone.

As we work together, I make sure your child’s nervous system, nutrition, feeding, breathing and gut health is at it’s optimum so you have a child that is function at their absolute best and thriving. A total body wellness solution.

I am one of the only specialists in the world that has an understanding of multiple systems of the body and how they work together, such that I can identify when something isn’t quite right and where it’s coming from.

Not even doctors have my level of knowledge.


When you consider not just the financial cost, but the emotional and physical cost of have a child with poor sleep quality, you begin to realise there is way more at stake here.

I personally took option number 3, going at it alone, before taking option number 4, using a Sleep Quality Practitioner like myself.

I wasted tens of thousands of dollars, I was broken emotionally, by body was physically destroyed. Then I got the specialist help, where I spent more money on the right help and actually got a solution.

Don’t be like me. Don’t be so hung up on the financial cost that you completely ignore what it’s really costing you.


How I would optimise my son’s sleep- Take 2!