The Sleep Well Revolution

More than just sleep

If you are having trouble with your child’s sleep;

If you don’t want to sleep train or you’ve already tried it and it didn’t work;

If bed sharing and contact napping isn’t cutting it;

If you’ve tried everything you can think of;

If you feel like your child’s sleep could be better quality;

If you feel like there has to be something you can do that isn’t cry-it-out or wait-it-out;

Then The Sleep Well Revolution is the program for you.

The Sleep Well Revolution is a self-paced, comprehensive root cause program that empowers families with the knowledge they need to truly understand and address their child's sleep struggles. It provides you are starting place and the tool to achieve better sleep for your child.

It includes:

-12 modules

-Hours of video and reading content

-1x 30 minute Jump Start call to formulate a plan together for one child (Only in Basic or Premium).

-Lifetime access so you can support multiple or future children.

-Different levels of ongoing support depending on what you choose (Either Basic or Premium)

If you want to chat more about the program and make sure this is a good fit for you, send me an email or private message on my facebook or instagram.

Basic Program: Support includes the monthly opportunity to submit questions to me and I will record and upload a video response into the educational portal. Plus PAYG access to fortnightly group call.

Premium Program: Support includes unlimited access to fortnightly group zoom calls. This means you can join as many calls as you like, anytime, to ask me questions live, get advice or just have a chat to someone who knows how you are feeling.

Portal Access Only: Access to my educational portal only for information on underlying issues that affect sleep and how they link to other problems as well as general information on how to support the issue. Portal also includes general sleep information, routine troubleshooting and weaning suggestions. No support is included. Upgrades available.

Hi, I’m Kelly!

I created the Sleep Well Revolution for families just like you because I have lived the torturous experience of having a child who doesn’t sleep and have no answers as to why; To have tried all the things but nothing works; To be stuck between wait-it-out and cry-it-out but knowing you can’t hold on much longer To be constantly dismissed and told it’s all normal even though deep down you know something isn’t right. I have been where you are now and I know the way out.

I am a root cause sleep consultant who provides wellness and lifestyle education to help families improve their children’s sleep quality. I don’t use strategy, sleep training or settling method, I just give you the tools so you can address sleep challenges at the root cause by improving their overall wellness.

What’s inside the program?

The program includes 12 modules, 8 of which are based about underlying issues that affect sleep, in addition to sleep basics and hygiene, and other common problems encountered amongst children, which also relate to sleep.

8 Underlying issue modules include:

  • Airway issues

  • Oral function

  • Gut health/food intolerances

  • Nutrition

  • Biomechanics

  • Diet

  • Environmental Allergies

  • Nervous system

Each module provides just enough information for you to understand what the issue is, what it looks like and what to do about it, without completely overloading you.

Even more importantly than the individual problems is how they all tie in together and also where you fit within the puzzle. This is where our 1:1 Jump Start Call comes in. In the first module, you are given access to a comprehensive symptoms screening questionnaire which I will review. Once you complete the questionnaire and the underlying issues modules, we can join a call together where we can discuss what was is going on and formulate a plan to address the issues. This may include tasks for you to do at home, lifestyle changes or recommendations to see certain practitioners.

Everything is personalised to you, your capacity to carry out tasks and financial capacity. Sometimes, we don’t even start with your little one, we start with you. You are such an important piece of the puzzle and it is imperative that you are mentally and physically supported too. Having the right support for a caregiver alone, can improve sleep.

Once you have your plan, you can get started at home. I run fortnightly group zoom calls for those that purchase the premium option, that you are welcome to join any time to provide updates and ask questions as you work to improve your families overall health, wellness and sleep. Otherwise if you go with the Basic option you can PAYG ($40) to join a group call or submit questions to me, which I will answer in a video and share into the portal.

It’s all about baby steps towards lifestyle and wellness improvements. Making positive changes and building new habits for a healthier life. It won’t all happen overnight but overtime, you can make it happen.

The Sleep Well Revolution will…

-help you to screen for sleep issues at their root cause

-Empower you with the knowledge you need to tackle sleep issues with appropriate providers

-Improve your children's wellness for a better quality future

-Allow you to feel supported and validated with your child's sleep challenges

-And best of all, sets you up to give your child good quality sleep

For those who are ready to unsubscribe from shitty nights, constant sleep stress, spending all day every day thinking about sleep and it just being really fricken hard work;

For those who are ready to change from the constant day to day sleep struggles;

For those who are ready to step into a whole new level of wellness where, providing a better quality future to your children is the goal;